Our Team
School Climate Team
The Haven Middle School Climate Team consists of an assistant principal, social worker, and counselor for each grade level. It also includes the school principal and psychologist.
phone: (847) 859-8201
email: lattingc@district65.net
Christopher Latting, Principal
I am excited to start a new year of learning with the North Star students, staff, and families! We have expanded our capacity to be more responsive and provide additional support to the students and families we serve. New Northstar colleagues are likewise anticipating a fascinating academic year. Please help them feel welcome!
Last spring, we set three school improvement goals for the 2022-23 school year. These objectives are outlined below. You can also watch the board meeting from last spring, where I presented them.
- Develop a Safe and Inclusive School Environment for All Students and Staff.
- Active and Consistent Engagement of Families and Community.
- Leverage PLCs to Improve Student Success Through Rigorous and Relevant Curriculum and Instruction.
Please read and absorb the valuable information in this year's District 65 Student Handbook to understand District policies and student and parent/guardian responsibilities and obligations. In addition, we also have a supplemental Student/Parent Handbook designed especially for Haven families. The handbook highlights Haven policies and procedures and, like the D65 Handbook, shares student and parent/guardian roles and responsibilities.
Thank you in advance for your continued support and collaboration this year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s educators or administrators. Wishing you and your children a safe, successful, and productive school year!
phone: (847) 859-8207
email: smitht2@district65.net
Thomas Smith, Assistant Principal
I hope you are having a relaxing summer! I am excited to be returning to Haven as Assistant Principal of Student Success and Administrative Advocate for 8th grade. The 24-25 school year will mark my fourth year at Haven Middle School, and I am excited to help foster a strong final chapter in your child’s Haven experience.
Last year, I was able to support our 7th-grade students, and I am eager to follow up with them again into their 8th-grade year. Last year, I encouraged this group to make it a memorable and meaningful year, and they exceeded my expectations. It has been a joy to witness their growth and development over the last few years.
For those of you who might be unfamiliar with me, please allow me to tell you more about my background. I am a native New Yorker and have spent most of my life and professional educational career on the East Coast. I completed my undergraduate study at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. Subsequently, I completed my graduate studies in Education at Northwestern University and Educational Leadership (Summer Principals Academy) at Teachers College - Columbia University. I have served in many roles in my professional experience, including Dean of Instruction, Dean of Students, Department Chair, Grade Level Leader, Instructional Coach, and as a science and mathematics teacher. This year will mark my fifteenth year as a professional educator.
I am eager to continue centering our students in every aspect of our decision-making. For this class of students, I told them the importance of a strong start as sixth graders, and they exceeded my expectations. As seventh graders, they worked hard and worked together to make it a memorable and meaningful middle year. As 8th graders, I want to encourage them to (in actions and words) strive for an exemplary ending—an ending that they can look back on and be proud of. An ending that can be genuinely celebrated. Let’s work together as a Northstar community to make this year a spectacular finale. I will continue to do my best to serve our community at Haven: families, teachers, and most importantly, our students.
I look forward to our continued collaboration and partnership in your child’s education this school year!
phone: TBD
email: TBD
Assistant Principal, To Be Announced
This page will be updated when Haven Middle's second assistant principal is announced. Stay tuned!
Student Services
School Social Worker
6th Grade
Alison Boyle
(847) 859-8211
School Social Worker
7th Grade
Austin Vasquez
(847) 859-8212
School Social Worker
8th Grade
Mahalia Sobhani
(847) 859-8213
School Psychologist
Dustin Martin
(847) 859-8209
School Counselor
6th Grade
Jacob DeLay
(847) 859-5868
School Social Worker
7th Grade
Sierra Farley
(847) 859-5856
School Counselor
8th Grade
Morgan Karl
(847) 859-5845
Health Clerk
Berta Dortch
(847) 859-8202